Gospel in the dirt
June 20th, 2014 by Zac
When I asked the group of 15 students, gathered around in the park pavilion, why they didn’t stay for the spiritual part of my lecture during the break time, they said they were too busy. Then one student said, “Why can’t we do the second part now”. What an open door! I was delighted!
Earlier in the morning, this group of High School students had been in my EXIT tour lecture (click here for a previous post, if you don’t know about Exit tour) called “Healthy family” or divorce prevention. I usually take the opportunity to share the gospel during the break between lectures for those who want to stay.
Now, I found this same group in the park at our afternoon activity time. So, when the chance to share the spiritual part of my lecture presented itself, I responded with excitement.
The only problem was, I didn’t have a chalk board to draw what I normally draw (which is the bridge picture of the gospel). I stalled for a minute, while I scanned the area for something to draw on. My only thought was to draw the gospel in the dirt. So, I grabbed a rock, cleared away the grass and other rocks and began to explain and draw.
I started, “the real reason we can’t reach our dream of a happy family is because of a spiritual problem. We can know in our heads what good things are necessary for a healthy family, but our hearts always seem to want to go away from those principles. Those principles of healthy family are God’s principles. And we go away from God’s principles because we have a heart that doesn’t wan to follow God. Our sinful hearts lead us away from God AND they destroy healthy families”.
When I finished the gospel, I challenged them all to let Christ change their hearts before going to sleep that night And I dreamed with them about what it would be like if ALL of them decided to follow Christ! What a radical change it could be for their school, city and future families.
I don’t know what happened to hearts that night. But I’m still having conversations on Facebook with a couple of those students. Please help me pray for their hearts as I tell them the truth that can save their souls and save their families!
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- Posted in Ministry
Zac how wonderful that you quickly kept pressing forward with these guys. I’m challenged by your steadfast pursuit of seizing every opportunity to share the gospel.