How will the church survive?
April 17th, 2010 by Zac
This is a question that is frequently on my mind these days. I’m not worried about IF the church will survive. Church has been around here for centuries. And I believe it will be perpetuated in its current form. But my interest is in the FORM in which the church will survive in the future. The historical church has become so institutionalized and heavily structured, that renewal seems complicated at best. And its not only here in Central Europe that many are speculating about these ideas. The church everywhere is facing challenging times.
Recently our staff at Kompas training center, along with some other church leaders from around Slovakia attended a conference on healthy reproducing churches in the Czech Republic sponsored by our mission Josiah Venture. The guest speaker was Alan Hirsch. Alan is the author of “The forgotten ways” and “Re-Jesus”. His ideas that take us back to the principles of the early church have radical implications for the way church is done in this part of the world.
Everyone who attended came away extremely challenged by his teaching and asking God how we can be a part of nurturing a church movement for this generation. Please pray for the church in Central Europe and church leaders in Slovakia. The church will survive, but how will she look?
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- Posted in Ministry, Prayer