A New Perspective
April 9th, 2010 by Kim
“Mom! I can see things I never saw before”! That’s what Emili told me as we walked home from the city Wednesday from picking up her new glasses!
I felt bad that I had put off taking her to the eye doctor since the beginning of the school year. Then one day after a science class at school, I asked her what the class was about. She told me that she didn’t know. Surprised, I asked her why? Did she not understand the slovak I wondered? Then she said, “I couldn’t see anything the teacher was writing on the board”!
Needless to say, I made an appointment immediately. Obviously, she needed glasses. Sounds easy enough. . .however, have you ever shopped for eyeglasses with a 12 year old? Oh my! It wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be.Many stores and one week later, here are the results! I think she looks even more like her dad! Which makes her happy too. She loves them.
Life with glasses comes with many learning experiences: Lesson #1: don’t wear your new glasses while in the car, it makes you car sick (her pop tells her that she’ll eventually get used to it). I’m sure there will be many more lessons for us all. For now, we’ll start with this!
- Posted in Family
Emili looks beautiful!
Wow Emili! You look so beautiful in your glasses! And look at your beautiful, long hair! My, you’ve let it grow and it looks great! We are so very proud of you!
the Stroziers