A very good day!
June 8th, 2012 by Kim
Often I write that with school, we have good days and bad days. This week however, was an exeption because we had a VERY good day! Emili was excited to come home and tell how she got four 1’s (1=A in Slovak grading scale). Needless to say, it was something to celebrate! We choose to celebrate this very good day, knowing that tomorrow can be very different 🙂
Thank you Lord for the very good days!
Other things I’m praying for this week:
Emili’s school: we have visited 2 schools and have 1 more on the list for next week. Tomorrow (friday) is an important meeting at the city office for schools. I will go there and find out the requirements for Emili as a US citizen enrolling in a Slovak high school. We are hoping they will amend the requirements (mainly for entrance exams in Slovak language) enabling her to attend the bi-linual schools here. Otherwise it could be very difficult for her to meet the requirements for these schools.
Women’s conference– I am preparing now for some talks I will be doing in 2 weeks at the annual Slovak women’s conference. I will speak again on the 5 Aspects of Woman, a great and powerful study of scripture on how God made woman. However, I do not want to only give information. What good is information if we do nothing with it (or if it doesn’t ignite change). Don’t we all have enough information? Every week, each sermon, small group or message we hear we gain information. What do we do with it all? Personally for me, most of it I forget (and quickly I might add).
Yesterday during my study I had this idea: what if after each point, we stop and pray. Not just a quick prayer or token prayer, but a prayer inviting the Spirit to speak to us NOW, at that moment, and show us specifically about THIS information, what do I do right now with THIS information. And then we wait. Wait to hear what God is saying personally to each. It could be uncomfortable, yes. Silence can often feel strange. With time constraints, I’m not even sure I will have the time to do it after each point. But it’s got me excited about the possibilities. Help me pray as I continue to work on these plans and firm them up over the next week.
Birthdays– Next week begins a long string of birthdays in our house starting on Wednesday with Hampton turning 5! We love to celebrate birthdays. Big parties, Big cake, lots of friends. It can be tiring with so many in a row. Mostly we just stay on a sugar high from all the cake!
English Camps and interns– We had the joy of having all of our interns at our house last night for a grill party. What an amazing group of men and woman God has brought to Slovakia this summer. Servants. They will be going to schools next week inviting students to one of our 9 English camps this summer. We are praying for hearts responsive to the Gospel message and lives changed. First set of camps start June 29!
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