A signed contract!
February 15th, 2012 by Kim
House: We are so very thankful to report that as of yesterday, we have a signed contract for our house! It has been a very long 6 weeks of negotiations. After so many problems and issues, we had a hard time agreeing on certain things. I have to admit that I was surprised it was signed! I thought the Lord might be preparing us to start the search again for a new place! Although it is now signed, we still have some issues with the owner. To us, it seems that he just keeps asking for more from us (more money for various things). We are praying about how to handle this. Just yesterday Zac was reading from Matthew, how Jesus was telling how we need to give, give all we have even if it is to the theives. Ouch. Although we haven’t fully compared this scripture with our specific situation, even still that message doesn’t feel very good! So please help us pray for wisdom in this area and that we are able to hear God’s voice in this.
Although the kitchen is still NOT finished or installed, we plan to move our things on Saturday. The weather is still cold, however a bit warmer than past weeks. With the warmer weather comes snow! While I was teaching this morning it snowed about 15cm! Now we have lots of snow on top of the ice!
French: Yesterday I meet with the girls’ French teacher. I was so nervous! I had written her an email and she did not reply, in addition to getting some negative feedback from some of the other parents and students. I met her in the hallway outside her office with the intention of making a meeting for the 2 of us. However, as I told her why I needed to speak to her, how the girls are not satisfied in her class, how they do not know how to study for her tests and how I do not understand how it can be since they have come to her and asked her for help. Immediately she asked if the girls can come to her during some of their free periods for extra help. She said that they needed to understand “completely” the things they missed while there were away in US. Reading only the book isn’t enough, they need to get information from her. It all happened very fast. We agreed on times during the week and it was settled that they would come to her. I left there uncertain that she really heard my complaint (which was her negative response to my girls when they ask for help themselves). However, in the end the most important is that she is willing to help the girls understand more so they can do better in her class.
Slovak tutor: Emili told me yesterday that she had 9 mistakes on her Slovak dictation this week (last week it was 34 mistakes). Do you think the tutor is helping??? I celebrated with her and told her how it won’t be long when it will be 0 mistakes! It was so good for my soul to she how happy she is and eager to excell in her 2nd language.
Sicknesses: Sam is much better from his asthma episode last week. This week Hampton has been home all week with a strong cough. He says he is happy that he is sick so that he doesn’t have to go to school! Zac and I as well are fighting colds, but it seems that they are winning (the colds)! Gwyneth was not able to sing at her concert today because her nose was a bit “clogged”. Her teacher took her out at the last minute. I suppose she is fighting the sickness as well.
Zac Leaves Monday-Zac will go to our Mission’s headquarters in the Czech Republic for a conference for growing healthy churches (Advance Conference) for the week. He will be taking Slovak pastors and church workers with him. It is a very important co
nference for these leaders to inspire them about the future of the church in Europe and how they (their church) can make a practical change NOW.
Church Building– Our church found a building and also signed a contract (the same day as us)! It is right in the center of our city, on the walking street, top floor! Everyone is so excited with the new possibilities that will come from having our own place. We will have a joint move on Saturday (us and the church) since all our things are all stored in the same building. It is promised to be a very long day!
- Posted in Kim's Blog
Kim – thanks for the specifics! Marcus added Zilina to our regular weather updates. Has helped us stop whining about our cold week. 😉 Love you guys – praying Saturday goes well for you and the church!
I can’t wait to see pictures of the new place! I know you will make it into a beautiful home!! I hope the move goes well on Saturday… and everyone is healthy. Congratulations on finding a home!! 🙂