A New Thing. . .
August 20th, 2011 by Kim
So I’ve been thinking a lot lately of writing more, journaling more about these days while we are in the US traveling. Thinking about it while i am in bed, trying to sleep and not sleeping but thinking about all the things i want and need to do! I’ve even gotten up a few times with the intention of getting it “started”, but for whatever reason, didn’t get it done.
But here I am this morning, the morning after we arrived Charleston, SC, sitting in the quiet and beautiful lobby of this hotel, I left sleeping kids and husband, coffee in hand, I’ve decided not wait any longer.
It’s been so long since i’ve even logged onto wordpress I forgot my password. Remembering the codes and organization of HTML is equally as foggy in my mind, but I am determined! I’ve set up a new “category” so that it can be kept separate from the more “official” posts. I’m calling it ” Travel Days in the US” until I can think of something more creative and catchy.
My vision is to share this part of our life: “furlough” (did i even spell it right), “home assignment” . What does that look like for this family of 6? The things we do, the places we go. . . .how we are doing, personally with our family, and ministry -wise as we strive to our goals in support raising.
I know today i just have to get it started and hopefully with diligence, as I listen to the Holy Spirit in me, communicating more, with the people who love and desire to know more about our life as missionaires.
We have a wedding today at 1:00 PM, and need to a few hours of school before that. So i’m off to wake sleeping kids and get them to a breakfast I am happy that I didn’t have to shop for, prepare or clean up.
until next time. . .
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- Posted in Travel Days in US
Please put me on your list of “new people” for the “old prayers”
Jo An Skinner, FUMC, El Dorado, AR Prayer Ministry