“stress” a sickness (or a symptom)?
October 10th, 2012 by Kim
Everyday my friends are asking me how I am recovering these days. The truth is, I can not (should not) complain. Looking back there is such a vast difference from where I was to where I am now. There is really nothing I can complain about. My ribs are healing. For sure, there are certain positions I can find that remind me, I do have 5 broken ribs! Although I still have daily injections of blood thinner, i am able to take deep breaths, with relatively no pain (I suppose there will always be a reminder there as well). The fact that I am doing so much better, and the memories of all that pain are so far away, I sometimes find myself wondering if I even remember what it was like, how painful it really was. That is good; no, that is amazing!
So like I said in my last post, I’m finding what is the new normal for me now. One thing that I am not embracing so well in this new land is how easily stress comes to me: making decisions, being late, a dirty kitchen, disobedience, uncompleted homework, arguing kids. Any one of these things can “set me off” finding it hard to regain control. Look at that list again; how many times a day does something like that occur in your house? for me, multiple things and multiple times a day! It is like I have gone back in time, and everything I have learned about patience and control and a “stress-free” living, my brain is incapable of locating those files and how to respond. I crumble. I suppose being aware of it is good (even if it is after the fact). still it’s an uneasiness that plagues me and I wait for healing of this too. Stress is anxiousness and the Bible says: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:5-7
Here are some things I invite you to pray with me about for our family:
Exit tour– Zac left Monday for a 2-week trip with the EXIT tour in the East of Slovakia. They will be doing 2 cities, Bardejov and Poprad, with a SPM training weekend in Presov in between! A busy few weeks. I got a text from him this morning: “over 30 students accepted Christ yesterday!” Praise God! Pray for more changed lives as they go each day into the schools. In case you need to refresh on exactly what is Exit tour, click here.
Gwyneth’s check-up- Tomorrow (Thursday) I will drive Gwyneth to her check up for her broken bones. The doctor always takes xrays to monitor her progress. As soon as he feels they are ready he will schedule to remove the metal from her leg. She hardly looks like she has any broken bones since there are no visible signs like casts or braces! She makes me nervous, going around as if everything is normal! Since her cast was removed from her leg, she does experience swelling in that leg. Occasionally her arm will ache or her leg, most often from over use! In dealing with Gwyneth, most the time I just have to take a deep breath and say to God, “give me peace” , it (her bones) can always be fixed a 2nd time!
Emili’s trip to Presov- On Friday, Emili will join Zac in the East for the weekend. It will be her first time to travel solo on the train (it’s a 3 1/2 hour trip). It is completely safe, but still, I’m a mom! She is excited to be with the team in Presov and join them for youth group on Friday night as well as being together over the weekend SPM training.
Emili’s school– we continue to work hard researching and praying for the right school for Emili (for next September). It is really a big decision, one that we have to completely trust God. There are so many options, rules, laws, requirements. It is overwhelming. She has 4 extra hours of tutoring each week to prepare her for the series of entrance exams that will come in the Spring.
WPS! I personally believe that the Hogs won their first game of the season, in large part because some of their biggest fans were able to cheer them on appropriately for that game! Thanks to a package that my sister Wendy sent to us! You can see here, they are serious about their hogs!
- Posted in Kim's Blog
Thank-you so much for your encouraging words. You are truly an amazing woman, and I know that you would give all the credit to God for that. You all have been through so much as a family the last few months. We love you all and you are all in our thoughts, prayers and hearts.
for Doug, Luke, Rebekah, Micah and Sean-David
So glad you guys are recovering. Such a sign of faithfulness and perseverance. Grateful to be JV Family!