“New” old category: Weekly Prayer
February 7th, 2012 by Kim
I have been writing weekly with one of the groups that pray for us faithfully each week. Each time I write, I have this idea that I could just post it on our blog so that more people, who want to know how to pray for us better, can do that. So I will start doing that and put it under the category, “weekly prayer” for those of you who are interested. In addition, I will go back to my emails and copy them here so that you can “catch up” and feel more in the know! I have to admit how good it feels, after the end of a long day to get an email saying, “hey, we prayed for you today”, even a short one! Here is the link that will take you straight to the category I’ve created for the weekly prayer letter: https://sheppsnsk.org/category/kims-prayer/
If you would like to receive the weekly email, please comment here and I will add your email to that list!
- Posted in Family, Kim's Blog, Ministry, Prayer
So thankful to have received the earlier letter with both of your comments. Thus I quickly scrolled down and highlighted your column, particularly about Hampton, printed that section out, and took to my “stack” of daily prayer requests. All day Saturday, he would come to mind and I’d pray for him. (Yrs. ago, my step great granddaughter here in El Dorado had the same problem and we all just cried and prayed her through that year. Now she is a HAPPY student in an AR college!!)
Also, I was not aware of the intense cold over there, but that picture from your apt. says it all. That too is a prayer of my deep heart for your family—and also the John Mc-A. in T. Bye – but know each of you dear Sheppersons are in my prayers —ever since that Wed. night you two spoke here at First Bapt. Church, El D.—-but PTL now I can be more specific. Also, how thankful that you are so computer smart—I delight reading every facet and marvel at how you do it all!! In closing will share that Isa. 41:10 is such a great verse to encourage!!
Bye for now, Love and Prayers, Sudie C. Garner (age 85)
Delighted to get this newsy letter today. The one rec’d. earlier was big help in praying for you all. (I thought I had already submitted a comment–so will make this short,) Much love and Prayers to your dear ones. In Jesus’ Love, Sudie G. (age 85)
I thank God for your receiving the needed funds. Love, S. Garner (Pro. 3:7 is mynew verse for year to chew on.
Well, I am new at this type communication, so am trying to do whatever is needful to be sure no spam. Love, Sudie C. Garner
Bye again
Hi! So nice to hear all about all of you. Very sorry about the
trials and tribulations…but we know that is part of life, and one by one Jesus will show His self strong on our behalf. Keep up
the good fight of faith.
Our house is getting a required remodeling due to foundation and plumbing. Awful! Yuck! But it will be good when we finish.
Pray your children learn to walk in victory thru all their trials.
Bless their hearts.
I hope soon you will all be settled in a home you can call yours!!!
Much love, Janet
Love and prayers!
having trouble sending a comment
Yes Wouldlike weelky prayer!