Homeless – finding a new place to live
November 29th, 2011 by Zac
One of the next steps toward returning to Slovakia is finding a new place to live. We are grateful we are not living on the street, but finding a new house to rent is a pressing priority.
We moved out of our previous house (pictured right) for a couple of reasons. We preferred to not have to pay rent for 6 months while we were in the States. This alone is a huge financial savings for us. But also, the previous house had some mold problems that we believed were contributing to some chronic sickness with our boys.
We were thankful for the 4 years we had in this house. Our landlord was very gracious and helpful during our time there. And it was privilege to get to know her and her family through those years.
I (Zac) will travel back to Slovakia early (December 5-17) to look for a new house. I also will attend a special council meeting in Vienna focused on raising up healthy, reproducing churches across Slovakia.
God has always met our need in housing and we believe he has already prepared the prefect place for now. All of our possessions are now in storage. So, this means we will be moving in the first weeks of January – which is the coldest weather of year. (moving could look like the picture to the right!).
Please keep this whole process in your prayers as we search for God’s chosen location and make a winter house move.
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