New work role – Advancing the church
November 22nd, 2010 by Zac
I (Zac) have recently accepted a new role in my work. I will be coordinating a new dimension of our national work focused on increasing the health and reproductive capability of local churches. This new focus is called ADVANCE and will carve out about 15% of my work schedule. This is a new direction for Josiah Venture and Kompas Training Center, because our primary focus to date has been youth ministry.
However, Josiah Venture has noticed a pattern over the years resulting from healthy youth groups in unhealthy churches. The pattern involves the average youth group member, who hits some imaginary ceiling in the adult church, after he is old enough to leave the youth ministry. Eventually, they drift away from the church because of a lack of continuity in health, passion and vision between the youth ministry and the adult church. Our vision is an entirely healthy church, where this disparity doesn’t occur. And ultimately, more healthy churches will be produced and multiplied.
Over the past few years, I have spent more time than ever before in the place of directional leadership of our local church. So presently, my passion runs high in the area of having a healthy church. This seemed like the right appointment for me in this present environment.
* That God would raise up a group of young leaders and seasoned pastors with a passion for healthy, reproducing churches.
* We need new model churches that are strong in the Word, discipleship, community, outreach and multiplication.
* I should only be a temporary leader of this new direction. Pray for the right Slovak national who would step into this role with experience, vision and passion.
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