March 7th, 2009 by Kim
Welcome to the Shepperson family website! We are glad that you’ve taken the time to come here and see what’s happening in our lives and how God is using us in these days. Our family presently consists of Zac (affectionately called Papa in the family), Kim (Mama), Emili (Em) 14 years old, Gwyneth (Naja) 11, Samuel Green (Sammy, Sam-bone, Buddy Boy or bud) 8, Hampton Grey our 4 year old (Hankton some Slovaks call him) and Dixie (our 7 year old Cocker Spaniel).
Together we work as a team to authentically show and tell everyone around us about the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as Savior.
We currently live in Zilina, Slovakia which is in the heart of Eastern Europe. We came to Zilina in October of 2001 to work with Kompas Ministries and we serve here under the care of Josiah Venture International. The vision of both of these organizations is equip young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ’s Commission.
On this site you will probably find more than you ever wanted to know about us and our ministries. We hope you will be able to quickly locate the information you would like to know. Please be free to contact us through e-mail, phone or skype. You will find all this contact information here as well.
We try to update this site with current pictures and happenings, so we hope you will visit us again and follow our story as it unfolds.
Thanks again for your visit and we hope you’ll come back soon!
The Sheppersons
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might help to give you the website :))